Aiyush Aiyush

A strategy professional by day, and well, not a whole lot more by night. Academic interests include cryptocurrencies, new and emerging technologies, macroeconomics and number theory. Photography, creative designing and gaming provide colour to an otherwise monochromatic life.




Blog #13
November 26, 2021


After a long sleepless night for mommy and daddy, Ayaank finally joined us this morning as the newest member of the family. Coming in at 3.2 kgs and 20 inches, the baby's arrival was truly a moment of ecstasy for both of us.

While mommy (literally) carried all the weight and is now enjoying a well earned rest, daddy had been secretly working on a few tricks of his own. Continue reading

Blog #12
October 24, 2021

Bitcoin (Part 2)

As we saw previously, by simply using a nifty little trick that digital signature affords us, we were able to create a payment system that required no central authority. And for the most part, it was completely fraud-proof.

I say most because there was one little loophole remaining – one potential bad actor that needed to be reined in. How hard could that be, right? Continue reading

Blog #11
October 17, 2021

Bitcoin (Part 1)

Understanding how peer-to-peer cryptocurrencies work can be a bit daunting for the newly initiated. A good way is to break this into three parts – a database, an easy problem and a hard problem.

As for the best part, we do not really have an elegant solution to the hard problem. So if you can come up with one, you might have a fortune waiting for you. Continue reading